Thursday, January 31, 2013

Entitlement Society- All Is Definitely Lost

Another example of why I have given up on fixing this nation.  Time to go topside on the Titanic and party with the violin players.


  1. I have long wished that someone would get a law passed requiring the licensing of children.

    The license would be granted or refused on the basis of a proven ability on the part of the prospective parent(s) to be able to provide for the raising of the children.

    This would require background checks so I assume the right wing would be against that part of the proposed law.

    However there would also be mandatory prison time for those who choose not to obtain the licenses.

    This might solve some of the problem don't you think?

  2. No...I don't agree with that at all. The last thing we need is the government taking control of another facet of our lives. The government has no business telling people they can or can not have children. People are free to have as many babies as they want, but if we took away the free government handouts for having them maybe the people who are having them for the wrong reasons would stop. So I take the opposite approach as you basically. Rather than add more government bureaucracy to a free peoples private life, I say remove all government bureaucracy from said life. No food stamps, no welfare, no unemployment. People need to stand on their own two damn feet and take responsibility for themselves. It is not the productive members of society's burden to financially support the unproductive members.
